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Cancer Matters Home Issues & Perspectives A Prize, Promotion and Press Story

A Prize, Promotion and Press Story

About ten years ago, researcher Bert Vogelstein appeared with Katie Couric on the Today Show to announce new research on a stool test for colon cancer.  Since then, he's mapped scores of cancer genomes to boost knowledge about cancer-related genes, and the Brupbacher Foundation in Zurich has now awarded Vogelstein a prize for his research on the fundamentals of colon cancer development. Vogelstein also has been tapped to serve as one of 17 inaugural Gilman scholars for the Johns Hopkins University.  The designation honors leading faculty and staff members across the University.  Bravo!

Couric, of course, now anchors CBS Evening News, and recently, her medical reporting team aired a story featuring Johns Hopkins head and neck cancer expert Sara Pai, M.D., discussing HPV as a major cause of head and neck cancer.

Pai was recently promoted to Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins.  I interviewed her recently for a Q&A on HPV and head and neck cancer.