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Cancer Matters Home Issues & Perspectives Do’s and Don’ts for Diarrhea

Do’s and Don’ts for Diarrhea

Chemo can cause diarrhea because it harms your healthy cells that line the large and small bowel. It may also speed up food moving through your bowels. Diarrhea also can be caused by infections or drugs used to treat constipation. Here are a few dos and don’ts for managing diarrhea:

  • Do drink 8 – 10 glasses of liquids per day.
  • Do limit foods and beverages that contain caffeine.
  • Do contact your doctor if you experience an increase in loose bowel movements, stomach pain, bloody or black bowel movements, fever greater than 100.5 degrees, dizziness and weakness.
  • Don’t eat greasy or fatty foods, raw fruits and vegetables, strong spices, hot peppers, curry or cajun foods.
  • Don’t eat dairy products (ice cream, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, creamed soups) and see if it makes a difference. If it does, you may want to try lactose free products.
  • Don’t eat 3 large meals a day; instead eat 4 or 5 small meals.

For more ways to manage diarrhea   
