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Cancer Matters Home Issues & Perspectives Healthcare Decisions Day – April 16 2021

Healthcare Decisions Day – April 16 2021

Health Care Decisions Day – April 16, 2021

Who will speak for you?

This is a topic that very few people like talking about; however, as many people have learned, it is a very necessary conversation.  Many resources are available to help people have the conversation. Sharing your wishes with the people who will be your voice if you become very ill can empower them to advocate on your behalf during a stressful time.  Young or old, everyone should have an Advance Directive, and creating one can be fast and easy. Having this conversation early can be a gift to your family and friends.

If you are a patient, family member, or staff at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, our Social Workers can help answer your questions and assist in the completion of your Advance Directive:  feel free to call us at 410-955-8934.

Resources:  is a website that offers tools on how to start the conversation with your family and friends.

The Maryland Advance Directive document and an informational video are available:

If you live outside of Maryland, find your state’s Advance Directive document here: