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Ride to Conquer Cancer

Ride to Conquer CancerAfter a few days of food indulgence and giving thanks for our great bounty, I start thinking about refocusing my goals and aiming high for a new set of aspirations. My sister just completed a half-marathon and is training for an "aquathlon." (I watched her swim an impressive mile this summer.) My husband completed a week-long bike ride across Iowa...twice...when he was 9 and 10, on a single-speed bike. It's inspiration like this that will help me settle on the new year's goal, and there's already a challenge to consider.

The Ride to Conquer Cancer is set for September 13-14, 2014. A two-day bike ride of more than 150-miles through Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland. The Ride benefits the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Sibley Memorial and Suburban Hospital. Registered participants get support in training and raising the $2,500 in donations to participate. Now is the time to prepare and commit to new goals. For a cause like cancer, I can aim high.

2 thoughts on “Ride to Conquer Cancer”

  1. Can you provide the link to the DC Ride to Cure Cancer? I can't seem to get to the correct site via my web browser. Thanks.

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